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Lenticular cloud

A small lenticular cloud seen in Leeds, Oct 2002


Lenticular cloud [Leeds, 17 Oct 2002; FinePix4800Z]

A small lenticular cloud floats in the sunset. Seen in Leeds, Oct 2002.

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Image details

Photographer: Lee
Taken: Leeds UK, 5:58:28pm Thu 17 Oct 2002
Original format: 1600 x 1200 JPEG, 357 Kbytes
Camera: FUJIFILM FinePix4800 ZOOM
Photodesk processing: None

EXIF data produced by EXIFinfo

lenticular cloud
Taken : 5:58:28pm Thu 17 Oct 2002
Camera : FinePix4800 ZOOM
Size : 1600 x 1200 pixels
Filesize : 357 Kbytes
© : Lee and Chris
 shooting information
Exposure : 1/68 sec at ISO125
f : 2.80
Focal length : 24.90mm
Bias : 0
Program : Normal
Metering : Pattern
Flash : Not fired
Orientation : x0,y0=left,top
Compression : 3/2
 fuji information
Picture mode : Landscape
Quality : Normal
Sharpness : Normal
Colour : Normal
White balance : Auto
Flash mode : Off
Slow sync : Off
Flash strength : 0
Macro : Off
Focus mode : Auto
Continuous take/bracket : Off
Blur warning : No
Focus warning : No
AE warning : No

© Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran 2004
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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