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The Moon, aged 20 days 22 hours 58 minutes


The Moon, age 20d 22h 58m [Leeds UK, 1:02:50am Sat 24 Sep 2005; ETX125EC+Canon 10D]

Moon details from MoonTool

Julian date:2453637.50139
Local time:01:02:00, 24 Sep 05
UTC:00:02:00, 24 Sep 05
Moon subtends:0.5053°
Moon distance:394149 kilometres (61.8 Earth radii)
Sun subtends:0.5315°
Sun distance:150058720 km (1.003 A.U.)
Lunation 1023
Age: 20d, 22:58h
Phase: 62%
Last New Moon18:45 3 Sep 05
First Quarter11:37 11 Sep 05
Full Moon02:01 18 Sep 05
Last Quarter06:42 25 Sep 05
Next New Moon10:27 3 Oct 05

Image details

Photographer: Chris
Taken: Leeds, UK; 1:02:50am Sat 24 Sep 2005
Original format: 3072 x 2048 JPEG, 2410 Kbytes
Camera: Canon Canon EOS 10D + Meade EX125EC scope
Exposure: 1/250 sec * ISO1600
Focal length: 1900mm
Photodesk processing: Scaling, gamma adjustment

© Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran 2006
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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