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Venus, crescent Moon and Mercury


Venus, crescent Moon and Mercury [Leeds UK, 7:15:40pm Wed 24 Mar 2004; Canon EOS 10D digicam]

Late March in 2004 saw some nice planetary alignments. Around the 23rd, you could see Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the sky at twilight, together with a crescent Moon. With a clear horizon, you could also see Mercury low down in the west. This shot was taken from a nearby field 7:15pm on 24 March, and shows Venus, a crescent Moon with earthshine, and low down near the right-hand side you can see a tiny dot -- Mercury. See if you can spot it! When Lee took this picture, she couldn't see Mercury with the naked eye at all.

The picture has not been processed at all, other than rotation, cropping and scaling.

Image details

Photographer: Lee
Taken: Leeds UK, 7:15:40pm Wed 24 Mar 2004
Original format: 3072 x 2048 JPEG, 1700 Kbytes
Camera: Canon EOS 10D
Photodesk processing: Scaling, rotation, cropping

EXIF data produced by EXIFinfo

Taken : 7:15:40pm Wed 24 Mar 2004
Camera : Canon EOS 10D
Size : 3072 x 2048 pixels
Filesize : 1700 Kbytes
 shooting information
Exposure : 1 sec at ISO200
f : 3.50
Focal length : 24.00mm
Bias : -1/2
White balance : Auto
Metering : Pattern
Flash : Not fired
Orientation : x0,y0=top,right
Compression : 3
 canon information
Image number : 005-2672
Sequence number : 0
Quality : Fine
Image size : Large
Contrast : Normal
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Normal
Macro mode : 0
Self-timer duration : Off
Digital zoom : Off
Flash mode : Off
Flash : Not fired
Flash bias : 0
Easy-shoot mode : Manual
Focus mode : Manual
Focus type : 2
Subject distance : 65535
Focus mode 2 : 65535
AF point selected : 0
AF point :  (0 focus points)
Metering mode : Evaluative
Exposure mode : A-DEP
ISO : 0
White balance : Auto
Continuous drive mode : Single shot / timer
Image type : IMG:EOS 10D JPEG
Serial number : 259143675

© Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran 2004
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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