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Mailing List

The ROAST mailing list

Following some discussion in April 2003 on the comp.sys.acorn.apps newsgroup, a new discussion group was created -- ROAST, the RISC OS Astronomy mailing list. This web site was also started.

The list, hosted by SmartGroups, is for discussion of all aspects of astronomy related to the operating system RISC OS and the computers which run it.

To join the ROAST mailing list, send a blank email to

To leave the list, send a blank email to
Note that you must send an unsusbscribe email from the same address that you joined with.

The group has a home page at but you do not need to access this site in order to join the list. You can however change various settings, such as getting posts as digests.

ROAST Charter

The ROAST mailing list is for discussion of all aspects of astronomy related to the operating system RISC OS and the computers which run it.

Typical subjects would include:

  • RISC OS astronomical software such as ROCchart, Copernicus, Orrery, NightSky, MoonTool, XEarth and others. Software development discussion is also welcome, and if an author is on the list (and is amenable), bug reports and suggestions for improvement. If your message is specific to a particular program, please start the subject line with its name: "ASTROAPP: Problem with large screen modes"
  • Processing of astronomical images with RISC OS graphics applications such as Photodesk, Composition, ChangeFSI and others.
  • Hardware projects, such as telescope control from RISC OS computers, and using a webcam for astronomical imaging.
  • Mathematical astronomy using RISC OS software.
  • Porting of open source astronomical software to RISC OS.
Note that astrology and similar pseudosciences are NOT suitable topics.

All levels of expertise are welcome, from beginners to advanced to astronomers of the armchair variety. You don't have to own a telescope!

—Chris Terran 19 June 2003

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