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Total Solar Eclipse 21 June 2001

Processed corona


Processed corona [Lusaka Zambia, 21 June 2001; Canon AE-1]

Our first attempt at processing. About 8 shots (exposures from 2 seconds down to 1/50 second) were stacked using PhotoShop, which brings out the faint structure in the corona. This could be a lot better, but as we don't have the negatives (thanks a bunch, Jes***s) we're working with fairly low-quality scans. High-res scans of the negatives would get a much better result.

The problem with photographing eclipses is the vast range of brightness -- it's been said that the best instrument for observing an eclipse is the human eye, and it's true.


Image details

Photographer: Chris
Taken: Lusaka Zambia, 2:11-2:15pm Thu 21 Jun 2001
Original format: Scanned from a print
Camera: Canon AE-1
Exposure: 8 shots, 1/50-2 secs * ISO400
Focal length: 500mm Tamron lens
Processing: Dust/mark removal; stacking and adding; scaling

© 2003 Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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