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Total Solar Eclipse 21 June 2001

Diamond ring (just)


The diamond ring (just) [Lusaka Zambia, 21 June 2001; Canon AE-1]

After 3 minutes and 10 seconds, the famous Diamond Ring shone over Africa for the second time that day.

Sadly, by now the sun had nearly moved out of the field of view.

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Image details

Photographer: Lee
Taken: Lusaka Zambia, 2:15pm Thu 21 Jun 2001
Original format: Scanned from a print
Camera: Canon AE-1
Exposure: 1/50 sec * ISO400
Focal length: 500mm Tamron lens
Processing: Dust/mark removal; scaling

© 2003 Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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