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Total Solar Eclipse 21 June 2001

The eclipse begins


The eclipse begins [Lusaka Zambia, 21 June 2001; FinePix 2200]

And then, suddenly and with a flash of the diamond ring, we were in darkness at lunchtime (it was too much for the digicam, which refused to function for the rest of the eclipse).

The tiny dot just below and left of the sun is Jupiter.

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Image details

Photographer: Lee
Taken: Lusaka Zambia, 2:11:01pm Thu 21 Jun 2001
Original format: 1600 x 1200 JPEG, 768 Kbytes
Camera: FUJIFILM FinePix2200
Exposure: 1/2 sec * ISO100 * f4.80
Focal length: 5.80mm (macro Off)
Program/mode: Normal/Auto * Metering: Pattern * White balance: Auto
Flash: Not fired * Slow sync: Off
Warnings: blur Yes, focus No, AE Yes
Processing: Scaling

© 2003 Lee Montgomerie / Chris Terran
All images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission

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